Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, addresses the noun forms of the verb. Infinitive, gerund or participle? Let's differentiate? Then, answer the questions elaborated based on the book fragment From ecosystems to ecopoetry, written by Armando Dias Mendes!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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The consistency grows that nature works, not only as a pantry or storeroom, but as a bedroom. dump, garbage can and sewer, where debris, waste and tailings, both from production and from the consumption. Refuses come on a scale that, by the way, is incompatible with nature's ability to absorb, recycle and transform this waste. And so such effluents attack and compromise ecological resources, disabling them for both economic and ecumenical uses.
Armando Dias Mendes
Question 1 - Identify the sentence in which the highlighted verb is in nominal form:
( ) “Grow up the consistency that nature works […]"
( ) "[…] Where are played the debris, excreta and tailings […]"
( ) “The refuse comes on a scale […]"
Question 2 - The verb in nominal form, noted above, indicates usage:
( ) of active voice
( ) of the passive voice
( ) reflective voice
Question 3 - Underline the verbs that are in the noun form in this fragment:
“[…] incompatible with nature's ability to absorb, recycle and transform this waste.”
Question 4 – The verbs, underlined above, express:
( ) States
( ) actions
( ) characteristics
Question 5 - The pronoun "os", which accompanies the verb in the gerund "disabling", resumes:
( ) "The refuse"
( ) "such effluents"
( ) “ecological resources”
Question 6 – In the excerpt “[…] either for economic or ecumenical uses.”, the term “wants” plays the role of:
( ) infinitive
( ) additive conjunction
( ) alternative conjunction
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.