Waste recycling activities help to assist students in helping global warming and a cleaner community (city). The environment is very important for everyone's survival, and recycling is part of that. Therefore, it is interesting that teachers apply activities about recycling so that students understand the importance of this attitude. Enjoy!
Teach that garbage should be separated in a few steps:
Paper - Blue
Metal - Yellow
Glass - Green
Plastic - Red
Notify them that garbage is currently a worldwide problem and there are billions of tons of decomposing materials around the world because were not recyclable as they were thrown out of the garbage can and the people whose job it is to do this recycling did not have access.
Showing the time of each decaying material can shock children and make them think about it:
Role: 2 to 4 weeks
Matchsticks: 6 months
Plasticized paper: 1 to 5 years
Chewing gum: 5 years
Cans: 10 years
Leather: 30 years
Plastic packaging: from 30 to 40 years
Aluminum cans: from 80 to 100 years
Fabrics: from 100 to 400 years
Glasses: 4,000 years
Tires: undefined
PET bottles: undefined
These activities aim to:
Recognize the importance of selective recycling of waste for the environment;
Identify habits and attitudes of families regarding selective garbage collection;
Learning how to separate garbage from simple everyday attitudes;
Produce and disseminate posters to make the entire school community aware of the importance of selective recycling of waste for the environment;
Teaching how garbage should be separated is also necessary:
Step by step
In order for the household waste produced to be recycled, it must first be separated at home. The task of separating garbage in the home is very simple and can bring a series of advantages for residents, for the neighborhood and for the environment, especially.
Here's how easy it is:
1st step:
We must separate all materials that can be recycled from those that cannot, ie glass, paper, plastics and metals must be placed in another garbage bag or container. It is important to remember that organic waste should not be placed with recyclable waste, although it can also be reused.
2nd step:
All recyclable material, previously separated, must be washed and dried before it can be recycled.
3rd step:
With the recyclable material clean and separated, it is enough to deposit it in a strategic place and different from the place where common garbage is deposited, so that collection is easy. Remember that it is much more practical to put recyclable waste in a transparent plastic bag, both for those who collect and for those who separate the waste.
Before placing garbage on the sidewalk, check the exact day that the selective garbage collection collects in your neighborhood.
It is necessary to recycle
Recycling garbage is the solution
To put an end to pollution
What is recycled soon transforms
And we reuse, but in another way
Plastic becomes ball, paper becomes bag
Just be aware of what you throw away
When playing,
sort the garbage properly
So you will have
a much cleaner world
Recycle, recycle...
It is necessary to recycle!
Recycle, recycle...
We have to recycle!
And the transformed garbage
will no longer be dumped
in the fields, in the rivers,
in the streets and cities.
For our happiness!
Recycle, recycle...
It is necessary to recycle!
Recycle, recycle...
We have to recycle!
The important thing is to recycle
Recycle plastic, paper
The important thing is to recycle
To save
if the paper comes from the tree
Why drop one more
The important thing is to recycle
If plastic comes from oil
why withdraw more
The important thing is to recycle
If the paper is thrown in the street
becomes pollution
If plastic is thrown on the street
becomes pollution
The important thing is to recycle
Making recyclable paper is not difficult
have to gather
do not throw paper on the floor
Is important
Collect the paper
Is important
Plastic takes time to decompose
In the land
That's why it's important to recycle
But to recycle
have to gather
assemble to recycle
The important thing is to recycle
assemble to recycle
The important thing is to recycle
Not everything is garbage
And if we don't learn to recycle
we will be the garbage
That is why
The important thing is to recycle
But it has to gather
The important thing is to recycle
Not everything is garbage
The important thing is to recycle
I don't want to be garbage
The important thing is to recycle
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