The Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) serves as an instrument to collect data and information that are essential to map all low-income families in the country. The purpose is to include these families in government income redistribution programs. Thus, it is possible to have access to programs such as the Popular Phone.
Read more: Subscribers to CadÚnico can receive Popular Phone at a reduced rate
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Have you heard of Special Class Individual Access (AICE)? It is better known as Popular Phone. It is a government program in which citizens are entitled to 90 minutes of calls to landlines, paying only a basic fee, which varies between R$ 13 and 15 reais, depending on the state in which the beneficiary live.
The service was created with the families that are part of the Cadastro Único in mind, so that they have access to telephony with more flexible prices that fit the budget of those enrolled in the program, since asking for the line will not cost anything. The family ends up having a more favorable monthly cost, consistent with their fixed income.
To enjoy this benefit, it is important that the data included in CadÚnico are updated with all the information required. It is necessary to remember that the Popular Phone works only for calls to landlines. Calls to cell phones or international numbers are not included! Anyone wishing to make this type of call should try to buy extra credits that are sold at lottery boxes or at partner stores.
Another issue that is important to be aware of is that the minutes that are made available must be used in the month in which the service was contracted. That means you can't accumulate time to use next month! Every day 1, the minutes are reset, so the family has just an hour and a half for calls again.
After confirming and updating all registered data, the next step is to request a telephone line. If the family does not yet have one, they must order it from concessionaire stores such as, for example, Vivo, Algar Telecom, Sercomtel or Oi. To make this request, you will need the CPF, the Social Identification Number (NIS) or the Administrative Registration of Indigenous Birth (RANI).
The beneficiary must wait seven days for the release of the line after the request has been made.
If there is any doubt about this, just enter contact with the store, according to your region:
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