Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the demonstrative pronouns. Let's analyze these pronouns in the text that introduces us to the book the achievement of happiness, by philosopher Bertrand Russell? To do this, answer the questions proposed below!
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In “The achievement of happiness”, philosopher Bertrand Russell sought to diagnose the countless causes of unhappiness in life modern, charting a path to escape the seemingly inevitable malaise that prevails even in prosperous societies. That the reader does not expect, as the author warns in the preface, profound eruditions: what moves this work is the conviction that, with a little well-guided effort, it is possible to reach happiness. Originally written in 1930, this little book remains current—and much needed.
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Question 1 - Highlight the demonstrative pronoun in this text fragment:
“Originally written in 1930, this little book remains current — and much needed.”
Question 2 - In the fragment above, the demonstrative pronoun refers to:
Question 3 – The demonstrative pronoun highlighted above works syntactically as:
( ) object.
( ) adnominal deputy.
( ) nominal complement.
Question 4 - The term "o" is a demonstrative pronoun in the passage:
( ) “[…] philosopher Bertrand Russell sought to diagnose […]”
( ) “[…] as the author warns in the preface […]”
( ) “[…] what moves this work is the conviction that […]”
Question 5 - In the passage identified above, the term "o" plays the role of demonstrative pronoun because it corresponds to:
( ) "that".
( ) "that one".
( ) "that one".
Question 6 – Complete with "that" or "that" the prayers below:
“I bought ____________ book by philosopher Bertrand Russell.”
"The professor referred to ____________ book by philosopher Bertrand Russell."
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.