Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, about the subordinate conjunctions. Let's analyze how they work in the construction of the fable the bad ant, written by Monteiro Lobato? So, answer the proposed questions and delve deeper into the topic!
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There was, however, an evil ant that did not understand the cicada and harshly repelled it from its door.
That's what happened in Europe, in the middle of winter, when snow covered the world with its cruel blanket of ice.
The cicada, as usual, had sung non-stop all summer, and winter came to find it devoid of everything, with no house to shelter in, and no leaves to eat.
Desperate, she knocked on the ant's door and begged – to borrow, notice! – some miserable leftovers of food. He would pay high interest for that loan food as soon as time allowed.
But the ant was a gutless usurer. Also, envious. As she didn't know how to sing, she hated the cicada for seeing it dear to all beings.
– What were you doing during the good weather?
– I… I sang!
– Did you sing? Well dance now, bitch! - And she closed the door in his nose.
Result: the cicada there died entanguidinha; and when spring returned the world looked sadder. For the music of the world lacked the shrill sound of that cicada dead because of the greed of the ant. But if the usurer died, who would miss her? […]
Monteiro Lobato. “Fables”. Illustration by Alcy Linares. São Paulo: Globo, 2008. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Identify the subordinate conjunction, the one that joins dependent clauses together, in this passage of the text:
“But the ant was a gutless usurer. Also, envious. As she didn't know how to sing, she hated the cicada to see her dear to all beings.”
a) "But"
b) "Furthermore"
c) "How"
d) "by"
Question 2 - The subordinate conjunction, identified above, establishes a relationship of:
a) cause
b) opposition
c) illustration
d) comparison
Question 3 - Look carefully at the sentences. Then, mark the one in which the underlined conjunction is subordinate:
a) “There was already, However, an evil ant that did not understand the cicada […]"
b) “[…] without a house to take shelter, nor little leaves that I ate."
ç) "But the ant was a gutless usurer."
d) “But if the usurer died, who would miss her?"
Question 4 – The conjunction, noted in the previous question, is:
a) adversative
b) conditional
c) additive
d) comparative
Question 5 - In the excerpt "I would pay that loan food with high interest, once time allowed.”, the subordinate conjunction “as soon as” expresses the circumstance of:
in time
b) consequence
c) compliance
d) proportionality
Question 6 – In the excerpt “[…] the cicada there died entanguidinha; and when spring returned, the world had a sadder aspect.”, the use of a subordinate conjunction that expresses the circumstance mentioned above is registered. Identify it:
Question 7 – In the sentence "The cicada begged the ant what give him a few miserable scraps of food.”, the underlined term is:
a) a subordinate conjunction that indicates a concession.
b) a subordinate conjunction that indicates a condition.
c) a subordinate conjunction that indicates a purpose.
d) a subordinate conjunction that indicates a consequence.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.