Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, aims to study the adverb, by means of Garfield strip.
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Question 1 - The text read ends:
a) didactic
b) literary
c) humorous
d) advertising
Question 2 - Check the sentence in which the highlighted term works as an adverb:
to the morning is getting better.”
b) “…since today was […]"
c) “[…] the worst morning of my life!"
d) “I don't wake up so early."
Question 3 - The adverb identified in the previous question indicates the idea of:
a) mode
b) place
c) middle
d) time
Question 4 - Taking into account the use of the adverb, the passage “Well, I usually don't wake up so early […]” could be rewritten as follows:
a) "Yeah, normally I don't wake up so early [...]"
b) "Yeah, occasionally I don't wake up so early [...]"
c) "Well, involuntarily I don't wake up so early [...]"
d) “Yeah, I certainly don't wake up so soon […]”
Question 5 - In the excerpt “[…] I no I wake up so early […]”, the underlined adverb expresses:
the doubt
b) denial
c) comparison
d) certainty
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.