Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, proposes the study of intensity adverb. Can you identify an adverb that expresses the idea of intensity? Let's learn from a book summary the boy who sold words? I'm sure you'll want to read this book by Ignácio Loyola Brandão!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Read this text about a book by Ignácio de Loyola Brandão:
The protagonist of this book is a boy who is very proud of his father, a cultured, intelligent man who knows words like no one else. If the boy's friends want to know the meaning of a word, it's his father they always turn to. Want to know what epithelium is? Saddlebag? Lunatic? He always has an answer. The friends' curiosity is so great that the boy soon realizes: what if he started negotiating the meaning of the words? Gorgolon? It's worth a shot of a warship. Boredom? A popsicle ice cream, brought by the owner of the ice cream parlor. Pantomime? A gum.
[…] And, like this, he goes on learning these and other valuable lessons and realizing with his father how much reading is necessary, as the more words you know and use, the easier and more interesting the your life.
Available in: .
Question 1 - An adverb, which expresses the idea of intensity, composes the sentence:
( ) "He always has an answer."
( ) “The curiosity of the friends is so great that the boy soon realizes […]”
( ) “And, in this way, you learn these and other valuable lessons […]”
Question 2 - In the context of the sentence identified above, the adverb intensifies the meaning of:
( ) an adverb
( ) a verb
( ) an adjective
Question 3 – The term "more" is an adverb of intensity in:
( ) “[…] because the more words you know and use […]”
( ) “[…] your life becomes easier and more interesting.”
Question 4 - Mark the sentence that features the use of an adverb of intensity:
( ) The boy's father is very smart!
( ) The boy's father knows the meaning of many words!
( ) The boy's father shares a lot of teaching!
Question 5 - In the last period of the text, "how much" works as:
( ) adverb of intensity
( ) indefinite pronoun
( ) interrogative pronoun
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.