Portuguese activity, aimed at 8th grade students, proposes the study of ordinal numeral, through the final part of the article Farmers invest in fruit growing to escape the crisis.
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Livestock from Minas is still prominent in national production, but it suffers the impacts of the water crisis. In 2015, there was a reduction (-2.38%) in the state's milk production due to the drought. Even so, Minas Gerais is still the largest national producer in the country, with 9.1 billion liters of milk produced in 2015, according to the IBGE Municipal Livestock Production survey, which represents 26.1% of production national. Among the 20 largest producing municipalities in the country, nine are in Minas Gerais: Patos de Minas (2nd), Coromandel (5th), Ibiá (6th), Sponsorship (7th), Unaí (9th), Pompéu (10th), Monte Alegre de Minas (11th), Prata (13th) and Passos (16º). The value of milk production in the state fell at a lower rate (-0.9%). Minas also has the second largest cattle herd in Brazil, with 23.8 million heads, 0.6% higher than in 2014. In the lead, Mato Grosso registers over 29 million animals. Mineiros also have the largest herd of horses in the country, with Carlos Chagas (14th) and Governador Valadares (19th) among the 20 municipalities with the highest number of heads. This herd showed an increase of 1.4%. As for the swine herd, Minas Gerais ranks fourth. In eggs, the state ranks fourth. And in fish production, it went from 10th to 8th place.
Newspaper “Estado de Minas”. Available in: http://www.em.com.br/. Accessed on: 10/03/16.
Question 1 - In “Livestock from Minas Gerais is still featured in national production, but suffers the impacts of the water crisis.”, the highlighted conjunction expresses one:
Question 2 - Register the use of ordinal numerals in:
a) "In 2015, there was a reduction (-2.38%) in the state's milk production due to the drought."
b) “[…] Minas Gerais is still the largest national producer in the country, with 9.1 billion liters […]”
c) “The miners also have the largest herd of horses in the country […]”
d) "In eggs, the state ranks fourth."
Question 3 - The ordinal numeral indicates:
a) an exact amount
b) an exact position
c) a proportional increase
d) a proportional decrease
Question 4 - In the excerpt "Even so, Minas Gerais is still the largest national producer in the country […]”, the term underlined could be replaced by:
( ) Therefore
( ) Despite that
( ) Furthermore
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.