Portuguese activity, aimed at first year high school students, addresses the simple guy. Do you know when a guy is simple? When it features only one core! How about breaking it down in the text about The Santa Catarina cay? For this, answer the various questions proposed and, in addition, you will get to know this animal species better! Come on?
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There are only about 42 animals left that live in an area of approximately four hectares (the equivalent of about 19 football fields). Found only in the largest of the small Moleques do Sul islands, the preá de Santa Catarina (
This little cavy measures about 25cm and weighs just over half a kilogram. It feeds on grasses. It breeds throughout the year and gestation lasts two months. Each female has one to two offspring. These are born half the adult size and took longer to mature than mainland species.
The Santa Catarina cavy separated from the mainland guinea pigs about 8,000 years ago, when rising sea levels led to the isolation of the Moleques do Sul Islands. Since then, he has developed several adaptations for living in a small space, such as high population density and stable age structure.
With such a small population, incest is the norm. Scientists say the group has one of the smallest genetic diversities in the animal kingdom. Inbred crosses often give rise to offspring with some type of deformation.
But this is not the case for the Santa Catarina cavies, who have adapted to survival in a small group. Crosses that could generate defective offspring have already occurred, and problematic alleles (variations of the same gene) have been eliminated by natural selection.
Although the island is located within the Serra do Tabuleiro State Park, it is much sought after as a camping and fishing location. Fires caused by man have already been recorded, as well as the introduction of exotic species such as goats. […]
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Question 1 - Point out the simple subject:
a) “[…] the preá of Santa Catarina (Intermediate cavia) is classified […]"
b) "It feeds on grasses."
c) “It reproduces throughout the entire year […]”
d) “Since then, he has developed several adaptations for living in a small space […]”
Question 2 - Highlight the core of the simple subject:
"This little cavy measures about 25cm […]"
Question 3 – In the passage “These are born half the size of an adult […]”, the simple subject is a pronoun:
a) personnel who use a previous term.
b) relative that takes up a previous term.
c) indefinite that takes up a previous term.
d) statement that takes up a previous term.
Question 4 - In the period “With such a small population, incest is the norm.”, the part that puts the simple subject in front plays the role of:
a) bet
b) adverbial adjunct
c) adnominal deputy
d) nominal complement
Question 5 - In the sentence “[…] the problematic alleles (variations of the same gene) were eliminated by natural selection.”, the simple subject is:
a) agent of the action expressed by the verbal locution.
b) patient of the action expressed by the verbal locution.
c) agent and patient of the action expressed by the verbal locution.
d) none of the above options.
Question 6 – In the part “Although the island is located within the Serra do Tabuleiro State Park […]”, the conjunction that precedes the simple subject expresses:
a) a concession
b) a contrast
c) a condition
d) a comparison
Question 7 – In “The preá of Santa Catarina broke up of the little pigs […]", the underlined verb:
a) indicates the active voice of the simple subject.
b) indicates the passive analytical voice of the simple subject.
c) indicates the pronominal passive voice of the simple subject.
d) indicates the reflective voice of the simple subject.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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