Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aims to study the verbs, through the text from oven to table. The activity consists of several questions.
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Starters, main courses and desserts: all baked in the oven. In addition to being practical, these recipes are light and very tasty
The smell of herbs mingling with the meat, the cheese melting to form a delicate and crunchy crust, the bread that gains color, the cake that grows and fills the house with care. Cooking in the oven is mesmerizing. Little by little, as the aromas begin to dance through the air, you find yourself there, standing in front of the display, watching the magical effect of heat on the ingredients.
In addition to being an invitation to the senses, oven recipes are excellent for those looking for practicality: complete meals can be made in a single container, there is no need to watch the dish all the time, the risk of burning is considerably smaller. And they are even healthier, as they usually require less oil.
If you are a first-time pilot, write down some basic tips: respect the temperature indicated in the recipe, cover meat and poultry with aluminum foil to ensure even cooking, use the sauce that forms on the baking sheet to water the roast from time to time. Otherwise, all you need are amazing recipes. Enjoy your food!
Romy Aikawa. Magazine “Everyone – Life is made of stories. What is yours?". São Paulo: Mol. April/May 2017, p. 42.
Question 1 - In the passage “[…] the cheese becomes melting to form a delicate and crunchy crust […]”, the highlighted verb is in the form of:
a) personal infinitive
b) gerund
c) impersonal infinitive
d) participle
Question 2 - Check the alternative where the underlined verb is a link:
a) "In addition to practices, these recipes they are light and very tasty”.
b) “[…] we handle there, standing in front of the viewfinder […]"
c) “[…] since, normally, require less oil.”
d) “Furthermore, everything that you need are amazing recipes.”
Question 3 - “[…] the bread that gains color, the cake that grows and fills the house with affection.”. Identify the verbs that make up this part of the text:
Question 4 - The verbs identified in the previous question are in tense:
a) future of the present
b) past tense
c) present
d) past tense imperfect
Question 5 - Check the sentence in which the highlighted verb was not used in the literal sense:
a) “[…] as the aromas begin to to dance through the air […]"
b) “[…] for whom search practicality […]"
c) “[…] the risk of burn is considerably smaller.”
d) “If you é a first-time pilot […]”.
Question 6 – In the segment “[…] use the sauce that forms on the baking sheet to water the roast from time to time.”, the preposition “to” plus the verb in the infinitive “water” indicate the idea of:
a) comparison
b) conclusion
c) cause
d) purpose
Question 7 – Register the use of the verb in the form of the impersonal infinitive in:
a) "Starters, main courses and desserts: all baked in the oven."
b) "Oven cooking is mesmerizing."
c) “[…] observing the magical effect of heat on the ingredients.”
d) “In addition to being an invitation to the senses, oven recipes are excellent […]”
Question 8 – Underline the verbs present in the following sentences:
a) “[…] write down some basic tips […]”
b) “[…] respect the temperature […]”
c) “[…] cover meat and poultry with aluminum foil […]”
d) “[…] use the sauce […]”
Question 9 – The underlined verbs in the above sentences are in the mode:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.