Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, addresses the past tense verbs. What do they indicate? Unfinished or closed facts? Let's learn? To do so, answer the various questions that explore these verbs in the fable the fox and the stork!
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One day the fox invited the stork to dinner. Wanting to play one prank on another, she served soup on a shallow plate.
Of course the fox ate all his soup without the slightest problem, but the poor stork with its long beak could barely take a drop. The result was that the stork returned home starving to death. The fox pretended she was worried and asked if the soup didn't taste like the stork, but the stork said nothing. When she left, she was very grateful for the fox's kindness and said that she insisted on returning dinner the next day.
As soon as she arrived, the fox sat up licking his lips in hunger, curious to see what delicacies the other was going to serve. Dinner came to the table in a tall, narrow-necked pitcher where the stork could drink without the slightest problem. The fox, very sharp, had only one way out: to lick the droplets of soup that ran down the outside of the jar. She learned her lesson very well. As she walked home, hungry, she thought, “I can't complain about the stork. She treated me badly, but I was rude to her first.” Moral: "Treat others as you want to be treated."
“Aesop's FABLES”. São Paulo: Companhia das Letrinhas, 1994.
Question 1 - Identify the passage where the underlined verb is in the past tense:
( ) “One day the fox has invited the stork for dinner."
( ) "No can I complain about the stork."
( ) “treat others as you wish to be treated.”
Question 2 - In the period “Wanting to play one trick on another, he served soup in a flat dish.”, the subject of the verb in the past tense “served” is hidden. Point it out:
Question 3 - In the segment “The fox pretended she was worried […]”, the past tense verb “was” indicates:
( ) an action of the fox.
( ) a state of the fox.
( ) a characteristic of the fox.
Question 4 – In the prayer “[…] he thanked the fox's kindness […]”, the term “very”:
( ) explains the meaning of the verb in the past tense “thanked”.
( ) intensifies the meaning of the verb in the past tense “thanked”.
( ) complements the meaning of the verb in the past tense “thanked”.
Question 5 - In the fragment “As soon as arrived, the fox sat down licking his lips in hunger […]”, the underlined expression modifies the meaning of the verb in the past tense “has arrived”, indicating:
( ) mode
( ) place
( ) time
Question 6 – In “[…] the fox sat licking its lips […]”, the past tense verb “sat”:
( ) was used in active voice.
( ) was used in passive voice.
( ) was used in the reflective voice.
Question 7 – In the part “[…] the droplets of soup that ran down the outside of the jar.”, the verb in the past tense “drained” expresses:
( ) a continuous fact at the time of speech.
( ) a hypothetical fact at the time of speech.
( ) a fact closed at the time of speech.
Question 8 – In the sentence “She learned the lesson very well.” The past tense verb “she learned” required complement without preposition. Therefore, he is:
( ) intransitive
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
Question 9 – In the part “While I was walking […]”, the verb in the past tense forms a phrase with:
( ) an infinitive verb.
( ) a verb in the gerund.
( ) a verb in the participle.
Question 10 - The verbs analyzed above compose a text, which aims to:
( ) report a fact.
( ) debate a subject.
( ) give a teaching.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.