Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, aims to study the accent (oxytone words). Remember them? These are the words where the last syllable is pronounced with the most force! The proposed questions are based on the text that tells us about the interesting book Itai, the painted face, by Antônio Juraci Siqueira! Come on?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Discover a cave painting that clarifies a lot about Brazil's past
They say the walls have ears. But I think they can have eyes, arms, legs, a full body and even tell stories! At least that's what I concluded after reading Itai, the painted face, by Antônio Juraci Siqueira.
Itaí is a cave painting made a long time ago in the caves of Monte Alegre, on the border between Amazonas and Pará. After observing what was happening around her for many, many years, she decided to tell what she saw and heard around.
I bet you'll love knowing the story of those who designed Itaí and other figures on the cave walls, as well as discovering how their creation blends with the history of Brazil.
Available in: .
question 1 – The name of the cave painting, protagonist of the book Itai, the painted face, é:
( ) oxytone
( ) paroxytone
( ) proparoxytone
Question 2 - In the excerpt “[…] a whole body and even telling stories!”, the oxytone word “until”:
( ) highlights an idea.
( ) indicates a place.
( ) expresses the notion of inclusion.
Question 3 - In the passage “At least that's what I concluded after […]”, the oxytone verb “concluded” has as subject:
( ) “I” [author of the text above]
( ) “I” [author of the book Itai, the painted face]
( ) “I” [Itaí, protagonist of the book Itai, the painted face]
Question 4 - The highlighted word is oxytone in this fragment of the review:
( ) “They say that the walls has ears."
( ) "Me, although, I think they might have eyes […]"
() “[…] She decided to tell what she saw and heard by Ouch.”
Question 5 - In “I bet you'll love knowing the story […]”, the oxytone word “you”:
( ) should be used in formal language use situations.
( ) should be used in informal language use situations.
( ) should be used in formal and informal language use situations.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.