A neutral language, also known as non-binary language, was adopted by the website Agência Brasil, of the federal government. This happens when we use the letter “e” in place of articles in the feminine and masculine.
Linguistic neutralization, in the form of a policy in defense of the rights of LGBTQIA+, has been increasingly addressed by government officials. Thus, during their inaugurations, some of the ministers of Lula's government have already started to use neutral language in their speeches.
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It happened, for example, with the use of “all, all and all”, when the new Minister of Finance took office. The holders of the General Secretariat of the Government, the Ministry of International Relations, Culture and the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship also made use of non-binary language.
“Elected parliamentarians meet for the first time in Brasília”, informed the title of the article, which made reference to the events of the month of January, between the 20th and 21st, when LGBTQIA+ deputies were quoted to assume their positions at
At the end of the text, Agência Brasil informed that the report was written in neutral language as instructed by Carolina Iara (PSOL-SP): "At the request of the elected parliamentarians, the reporter used the neutral gender in the construction of sentences", said the matter.
Due to not having so much contact with the neutral pronoun policies, the report made reference to the pronoun female when dealing with deputies Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP) and Dura Salabert (PDT-MG), as well as Carolina Iara.
Neutral language has been chosen as a form of policy for people who do not identify with the male and female genders. There are many criticisms addressed based on the cultural norm of the Portuguese language for not recognizing language as a grammatical option.
Despite this, non-binary language has been used in several places. Now, even, its use has been opened for debates through politicians.
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