Portuguese activity, aimed at 9th grade students, aiming at the study of connectives and their meaning effects in the construction of news "Zero Garbage Campaign: the more information, the less garbage on the floor". In the activity in question, students need to select the appropriate connectives, taking into account the context of the news.
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Activity: He carefully reads the following news, completing it with the terms present in the box:
Zero Waste Campaign: __________________ information, ________________ garbage on the floor
According to the president of the Municipal Urban Cleaning Company (Comlurb), Vinícius Roriz, the objective of program is to reduce spending on cleaning the streets, which add up to R$ 90 million per month, 15% of the budget of the company. He emphasized that he does not intend to buy more trash cans or paper bins and hopes to raise awareness among the population. “We want to transform the behavior of the population. There are very clean cities, ___________________ Tokyo, where you hardly see any garbage dumps.”, said Roriz.
Inspection began on 08/20, in the Center, South Zone and part of the suburbs, based on the Urban Cleaning Law of September 2001 (Law 3273/01). Fines range from R$157 to R$3,000, ____________________ the amount and nature of the debris. Fines are applied on the spot, ____________________ of a smartphone and a portable printer. ____________________ inspectors distribute garbage bags to raise awareness. The citizen who is fined _____________________ for not paying may have his name protested and even enrolled in credit protection institutions. ____________________ refuses to present any document, it will be taken to a police station, ______________________ the occurrence record is made. […]
Available in: http://www.revistadomeioambiente.org.br.
Check the alternative where the idea expressed by the connector, in the context of the news, was not correctly identified in the square brackets:
a) and [continuity]
b) for [explanation]
c) through [purpose]
d) case [condition]
e) as [comparison]
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.