When we are doing some kind of diet, we will certainly have to give up some foods which we like very much, as he can probably be an imminent danger for our purpose Final. In order to lose weight, we need to make healthy and smart choices, such as doing some form of physical exercise.
Processed foods tend to be loved by most people, but they are very bad for our overall health. According to health experts, there is one food from this category that you urgently need to give up if you want to lose weight.
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The food in question is white bread. To better understand the harms of this food for our health and diet, see what the nutritionist Lisa Richards, creator of the Candida Diet, has this to say about it.
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Despite being a widely consumed food and part of the routine of many people, according to Richards, it is necessary to control the intake of this carbohydrate.
There are certain types of bread that are more harmful than others for our diet and weight loss. The nutritionist says that the bread white is one of them, as its production is entirely loaded with refined carbohydrates.
"Obread white édone with refined carbohydrates and lacksin fibers It is other beneficial nutrients,” says Richards.
“carbohydrates refined products are highly inflammatory and turn into sugar quickly, causing a fast increase at glucose“, he completes.
These refined white bread ingredients are loaded with calories and take little energy for our bodies to process, but over time, this can be extremely harmful to our metabolism.
The nutritionist also warns that “eating bread regularly will lead to weight gain because most bread is made from grains. refined products, sugar and preservatives”, which are “inflammatory ingredients and are also quickly broken down to be stored like fat.”
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