Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th grade students, aims to study the main punctuation marks, through the text that tells us about the book the lizard, by José Saramago.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Do you believe in fairies? No? So, how to explain the story of this giant lizard that suddenly appeared in the middle of the street, spread chaos among the townspeople and, at the height of the turmoil… Better not to tell, but I assure you that something impressive It happened! What will it be? I invite you to find out – and then have the courage to reaffirm that you still don't believe in fairies.
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question 1 – The purpose of the text is:
a) make a statement.
b) give an order.
c) make an invitation.
d) inform about the lizard.
Question 2 - “[…] and at the height of the confusion… and at the height of the confusion…”. In this passage of the text, the ellipses indicate:
a) the continuity of the lizard's actions.
b) the interruption of the story telling to create a suspense.
c) the cut of a character's speech.
d) an incomplete citation of an excerpt from the book.
Question 3 - In the excerpt “Better not to tell, but I guarantee an impressive thing happened!”, the exclamation point was used after:
a) a negative sentence.
b) an interjection.
c) an exclamatory phrase.
d) an interjective expression.
Question 4 - “[…] the story of this giant lizard that suddenly appeared in the middle of the street, spread chaos among the city's residents […]”. What was the comma used for in this part?
Question 5 - Mark the punctuation mark that was most used in the construction of the text:
a) comma.
b) exclamation point.
c) question mark.
d) full stop.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.