Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses the reflective voice verbs. What does this voice indicate? That the subject is an agent of action, a patient of action, or both? Let's learn? To do this, answer the questions you tell us about the Anna Freud!
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She was born in 1895 in Vienna. The sixth child of the Freud family distinguished herself from her siblings due to her intellectual interests and her close proximity to her father. After a short experience as a teacher, she joined Freud's circle of disciples and, at age 23, began an analysis with him. ______________ especially for child psychoanalysis and in this area she has made great contributions, publishing works such as
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Question 1 - In the passage “The sixth child of the Freud family was distinguished from the brothers […]”, the verb in the reflective voice expresses:
( ) an ephemeral fact in the life of the sixth daughter of the Freud family.
( ) a constant fact in the life of the sixth daughter of the Freud family.
( ) a sporadic fact in the life of the sixth child of the Freud family.
Question 2 - In the sentence “[…] joined Freud's circle of disciples […]”, the subject of the verb in the reflective voice is:
( ) hidden
( ) nonexistent
( ) undetermined
Question 3 – The space in the text must be filled with the verb in the reflective voice:
( ) "Interested".
( ) “Interested”.
( ) “Interested” or “Interested”.
Question 4 – In the text above, the verb “interesting” was used in the reflective voice to indicate that the subject is:
( ) agent of the action.
( ) patient of the action.
( ) agent and patient of the action.
Question 5 - It can be said that the reflexive verbs, analyzed above, compose a text whose objective is:
( ) tell the story of Anna Freud.
( ) evaluate the work of Anna Freud.
( ) report a fact about Anna Freud.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.