Interpretation activity, aimed at seventh-year students, from explanatory text. Did you know that dogs and cats don't get dengue, chikungunya or zika? No? Want to know why? Then, read the text and then answer the questions (open and closed) about it, improving your reading skills! Come on? Teacher, this activity can be developed in partnership with the Science teacher! The suggestion remains!
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… that dogs and cats don't get dengue, chikungunya or zika?
Ufa! At least our pets are free from these three mosquito-borne diseases. Aedes aegypti. Because? Well, it seems that dengue, chikungunya and Zika viruses exclusively infect primates, group to which they belong, for example, gorillas, tamarins, chimpanzees and humans, like me and you.
It is quite true that the mosquito - or rather, the female of the Aedes aegypti, which needs blood to nourish its eggs – it can bite dogs, cats, birds and other animals. But the dengue, chikungunya, and zika viruses that she can transmit in that bite only find organisms that are conducive to developing in primates.
On the other hand, there are other mosquitoes that can transmit parasites that cause disease to your pet dog or cat. The straw mosquito, for example, can transmit with its bite a micro-organism called Leishmania, which causes leishmaniasis, a serious disease that causes damage to the skin and organs.
There are also other mosquitoes that can be vectors of Dirofilaria, a worm that causes heartworm disease – also known as “heart disease”.
Leishmaniasis and heartworm disease are more common in dogs, but they can also affect cats. In fact, in environments with many mosquitoes and mosquitoes, cats can develop a kind of allergy to these insect bites, which needs to be treated.
To prevent these and other diseases and keep your dog or cat healthy, it is important to take him to a veterinarian periodically and to have his vaccinations up to date. Add that to good nutrition, walks and games, and your pet will have a peaceful and healthy life!
Henrique Caldeira Costa. Available in: .
Question 1 - According to the author of the text, dogs and cats are free to contract dengue, chikungunya or zika. Explain:
Question 2 - Carefully review the first paragraph of the text. Then answer: what is common between dengue, chikungunya, and zika diseases?
Question 3 – When he says "Whew", the author of the text demonstrates:
a) surprise that dogs and cats do not get dengue, chikungunya or zika.
b) relief that dogs and cats don't get dengue, chikungunya, or zika.
c) animation the fact that dogs and cats do not get dengue, chikungunya or zika.
d) satisfaction that dogs and cats do not get dengue, chikungunya, or zika.
Question 4 - The author points out that “[…] there are other mosquitoes that can, yes, transmit parasites that cause diseases to your pet dog or cat”. What diseases does he refer to?
Question 5 - Identify the definitions, presented by the author of the text, for the diseases mentioned in response to the previous question:
Question 6 – The author makes certain recommendations for pets to lead healthy lives. Point them out:
Question 7 – In the sentence “[…] they only find organisms propitious to develop in primates.”, the highlighted term could be replaced by:
a) inappropriate
b) common
c) small
d) favorable
Question 8 – The words Aedes aegypti, Leishmania and Dirofilaria were written in italics because:
a) are from the scientific area.
b) are keywords in the text.
c) are foreign.
d) are little known.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.