Text interpretation activity, proposed to students in the third or fourth year of elementary school, using the text “A mouse in the coffee machine”.
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Sr. Armandinho was a great coffee lover. Several times a day, he walked from his office to the place where the coffee machine was, ready to enjoy his favorite drink. In his hand he held two coins, making them a tinkle of satisfaction.
One day, as usual, after the characteristic. Plim! Plim! From the coins falling into the machine, the cup ready to receive the coffee came out. But instead of coffee, a nice little mouse appeared through the same hole, very smiling and cheerful, who said:
- Good Morning! The coffee is very good and warm!
With this, the happy little mouse just wanted to be nice, but Mr Armandinho was not amused, getting very red and venting with indignation:
– A mouse in the coffee machine!!! There's each one!…What a strange thing…what a crap, too!
The little mouse, all smeared with coffee, his mustaches running with liquid, was very surprised by Mr. Armandinho's words and thought:
“But why was he like that? I was so polite… I even said good morning!…”
The good Mr Armandinho was so disconsolate that he never drank coffee again.
The friendly ratito ended up coming out of the coffee machine, a little surprised that people don't understand that a rat can also like coffee, but he doesn't know how to drink from a cup.
Garcia Barreto
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the author?
3) What are the main characters in the text?
4) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
5) What did Mr. Armandinho like?
6) What does Mr. Armandinho do every day?
7) What did the mouse do to Mr. Armandinho?
8) How was Mr. Armandinho after seeing the mouse?
9) What left the mouse confused?
10) Make an illustration of the story:
At answers are in the link above the header.