Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the eighth year of elementary school, about verbal Regency. The proposed questions are based on the text. The truth behind Einstein's photo! Would you be able to say, for example, what is the error in conducting in “The photographer asked the scientist to smile […]”? Let's find out? So, answer the questions proposed below!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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You've certainly seen the photo of Albert Einstein showing his tongue (picture above). But why did the scientist take the photograph that way? We reveal: the image was clicked on March 14, 1951, on his 72nd birthday. The photographer asked the scientist to smile to look good in the photo and then he frowned and stuck his tongue (huge!) out! This image ended up becoming very famous and it is said that even Albert Einstein liked it a lot: _____ arrived to distribute copies among friends.
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Question 1 - In the excerpt “You've certainly seen the photo of Albert Einstein […]”, the verb “to come” governs:
( ) an adverbial adjunct
( ) a direct object
( ) an indirect objective
Question 2 - Note that the regency of the verb "ask" was incorrectly transcribed in the following sentence:
“The photographer asked the scientist to smile […]”
Rewrite the sentence, making the necessary change:
Question 3 - Identify the prayer in which the ruling of the verb "to like" is in accordance with the cultured norm:
( ) This is the photo that Albert Einstein really liked!
( ) This is the photo that Albert Einstein liked a lot!
( ) This is the photo that Albert Einstein really liked!
Question 4 – It can be said, taking into account the regency identified above, that the verb "to like" is:
( ) intransitive
( ) direct transitive
( ) indirect transitive
Question 5 - Mark the passage in which the regency of the verb "to arrive" was done correctly:
( ) “[…] he arrived to distribute copies among his friends.
( ) “[…] he even distributed copies among his friends.
( ) “[…] arrived by distributing copies among friends.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.