Text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth year of elementary school, with questions elaborated on the text: Birthday party.
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Leonora came to me, the cleanest face in the world:
– I swallowed a Coke cap.
I raised my hands to the sky: this one now! It was a birthday party, her own birthday, turning six years old. I immediately summoned the family:
– He said he swallowed a Coke cap.
Her mother, uncles, grandparents all surrounded her, nervous and restless. Open your mouth, my daughter. Now it's no use: she's already swallowed. It must have scratched. But how did you swallow it? Who swallows a beer cap? Not beer: Coke. I picked her up: come here, my little girl, just tell me: you swallowed nothing, isn't that right? 'Yes, I did, Dad,' she says decisively. I consulted the uncle, quietly: what do you think? He went to get a bottle cap, separated the cork from the metal:
Fenando sabino
Sabiá Publisher, Rio de Janeiro
1) What is the title of the text?
2) During the birthday party, what did Leonora say she swallowed?
3) How was the family after the girl's affirmation?
4) Given the girl's firmness, what did the family do?
5) What explanation did Leonora give to end the family's affliction?
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.