Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the seventh year of elementary school, explores the adjectives. How about analyzing them in the text about the Serra da Capivara National Park? So, answer the questions proposed below!
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Located in the Northeast region of Brazil, Serra da Capivara National Park is an archeological park, inscribed by UNESCO on the World Heritage list. A set of plateaus and valleys house archaeological sites with cave paintings and engravings, as well as other vestiges of prehistoric daily life.
Over a rugged relief, in a region with a semiarid climate, alternating periods of rain and drought promote strong changes in the landscape. At one point, the vegetation is lush and there is a surprising diversity of brightly colored flowers. In another, the vegetation is dry and loses its leaves. That's when rock formations stand out over bare vegetation.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - Identify, through a line, the adjective that characterizes the diversity of flowers that make up the Serra da Capivara National Park:
“At one point, the vegetation is lush and there is a surprising diversity of brightly colored flowers.”
Question 2 - Point out the sentence in which the spelling of the highlighted adjective was changed in line with the New Orthographic Agreement:
( ) “[…] Serra da Capivara National Park is a park archaeological […]”
( ) “[…] in addition to other traces of everyday life prehistoric.”
( ) “[…] in a climate region semiarid […]”
Question 3 – The adjective "historic" is accented because:
( ) is proparoxytone.
( ) is a paroxytone ending in a diphthong.
( ) is a paroxytone ending in a vowel.
Question 4 – In the text above, the adjective "rupestres" refers to:
( ) to the set of plateaus and valleys.
( ) to archaeological sites.
( ) to paintings and engravings.
Question 5 - In “It's when rock formations […]”, the adjective “rocky” just isn't:
( ) primitive
( ) derivative
( ) simple
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.