Although some people don't believe it, a person's character has a lot of positive influence on his health aspects. Enthusiasm, hope and self-regulation are some points that are good for the individual in more than one way. Specialists in the field of psychology advise us to pay attention to the strengths of our character that we set out to develop throughout our lives.
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We can mention that there are strengths that can and even should be addressed, such as kindness, creativity and bravery. Psychologists report that these qualities bring benefits to life, which ends up developing emotional well-being and improvements to the physical health of any individual.
Study author Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska quotes a lot about positive psychology and says that "character strengths" are positive, morally valued personality traits. For her, the purpose of her study is to identify the good stimuli arising from a person's character.
For Dorota, these strengths of character that provide a well-being that also result from discoveries empirical evidence, indicating that acting according to ethical standards and accepted rules contribute to good health. better.
Through a survey of 60,000 people, in partnership with the Strengths of Values in Action Inventory [VIA-IS], 24 character strengths and 15 health outcomes were examined.
When dealing with health-related quality of life, the predominantly positive effect was one of enthusiasm and hope. When they dealt with the same parameters, but in a negative way, the results were kindness and appreciation of beauty, as there is a possibility of the person focusing only on the outside, forgetting the internal cues related to mental health and physical.
In a macro way, what was most present was the enthusiasm. Studies have also shown that it is associated with reduced depression and positive health habits, including healthy eating.
Another observation about character strengths was made.
According to Weziak-Bialowolska, when a person brings too much or too little of these forces into a particular situation, it can have a negative effect on himself or others. At the level of example, we have the trial. This is a character strength that, when used in excess, can give impressions of self-centeredness.