Portuguese activity, aimed at eighth grade students, addresses the simple period and the compound period. How about differentiating them? For this study, answer the questions that explore the periods in the text. Amazonian manatees are the smallest of the species!
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The Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis) is really hard! It lives exclusively in fresh water and reaches up to 3 meters in length and 450 kilos. The species is the smallest manatee in the world. Its dark gray leather is extremely thick and resistant, and most individuals have a white or pink patch on the belly.
The Amazonian manatee can live for more than 50 years and reach sexual maturity between 5 and 10 years. His gestation lasts 12 months, with only one offspring being born, which breastfeeds for up to two years.
Every 5 minutes, the Amazonian manatee rises to the surface to breathe and can spend up to 20 minutes at the bottom of the water. Its food is based on plants.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The first sentence of the text was closed with the exclamation point to express:
( ) happiness
( ) fear
( ) admiration
Question 2 - In the second period of the text, the conjunction "and" links:
( ) two facts that add up.
( ) two alternating facts.
( ) two contrasting facts.
Question 3 - The period "His gestation lasts 12 months, with only one baby being born, which breastfeeds for up to two years." is composed because it presents:
( ) more than one sentence.
( ) more than one prayer.
( ) more than one subject.
Question 4 - Classify the period as indicated:
(1) Single period
(2) Compound period
( ) "The species is the smallest manatee in the world."
( ) "Your diet is based on plants."
Question 5 - Identify how many sentences there are in the period that closes the first paragraph of the text:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.