Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the ninth year of elementary school, about adjectives. What to study them in the text Rare amphibian species is registered in Minas Gerais? The various questions proposed explore the meaning, form and function of adjectives! Let's answer it, guys?
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The newest described amphibian species is as small as a fingernail, spends its life inside a bromeliad and is only found at a specific point in the Pico de Itambé State Park. THE Crossodactylodes itambe
The genus includes 3 more species and all of them occur at high altitudes and occupy bromeliads throughout their life. It is an endemic species. So far, the bromeliad frog, as it is called by the locals, has been registered only in the Pico do Itambé State Park, in Minas Gerais, in an area of less than 0.1 km2. Hence its scientific name.
"The registration of the new species expands the area of occurrence of the genus, which was known in few localities of the Atlantic Forest” celebrates Izabela Barata, the main author of the discovery and a researcher at the Institute Biotropics. "We have to assess how much the species is restricted and which climatic variables can influence the distribution and occurrence of this species."
Amphibians are very vulnerable to changes in the environment. No wonder, they are at the top of the IUCN (World Union for the Conservation of Nature) list of most endangered vertebrates on the planet. Researchers believe that temperature and humidity are important factors for the preservation of the bromeliad thrush. Monitoring the species will help to understand the consequences of climate change on Brazilian biodiversity.
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Question 1 - Identify the adjective present in the title:
a) "Species"
b) "rare"
c) "amphibian"
d) "registered"
Question 2 - “It is an endemic species”. What does the adjective “endemic” mean?
a) It means that the species develops quickly.
b) It means that the species is rare in a certain place.
c) It means that the species only exists in a certain place.
d) It means that the species exists more frequently in a certain region.
Question 3 - Indicate the phrase whose highlighted term is an adjective:
a) "The more new species of amphibians described […]"
b) “[…] they all occur at altitudes high […]”
c) "We have to assess how much to species is restricted […]"
d) “[…] are at the top of the list of vertebrates most threatened on the planet […]"
Question 4 – In the passage The newest species of amphibians described is as small as a fingernail […]”, the adjective “small” was used in the grade:
a) comparison of equality
b) comparative superiority
c) comparative inferiority
d) analytical absolute superlative
Question 5 - In the period "Amphibians are very vulnerable to changes in the environment.", the adjective "vulnerable" plays the syntactic function of:
a) bet
b) adnominal deputy
c) predicative of the subject
d) nominal complement
Question 6 – Point out the fragment in which the underlined adjective is homeland:
a) “[…] was registered only in the Park State from Pico do Itambé […]"
b) “[…] which was known in few places in the forest Atlantic […]”
c) “[…] (Union World for Nature Conservation)."
d) “[…] understand the consequences of climate change on biodiversity Brazilian.”
Question 7 – As for gender, the adjective can be uniform or biform. Check the alternative where the highlighted adjective is uniform:
a) “[…] is only found at one point specific in the Pico de Itambé State Park.”
b) “[…] and which variables climatic can influence the distribution and occurrence of this species”.
c) “That's where your name came from scientific.”
d) "Researchers believe that temperature and humidity are factors important […]”
Question 8 – In the last paragraph of the text, the adjective "climatic" characterizes:
( ) "the temperature and humidity"
( ) "its consequences"
( ) "the changes"
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.