Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, aims at learning the more-than-perfect past tense. Do you know how to inflect a verb in this tense? Do you know the idea he expresses? Let's understand? The proposed questions are based on fragment of Family relationships, written by Clarice Lispector.
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The wind whipping at the curtains she had cut herself reminded her that if she wanted to, she could stop and wipe her forehead, looking at the calm horizon. Like a farmer. She _______________ the seeds she had in her hand, not others, but these only. And trees grew. His own conversation with the light collector grew, the water grew, filling the tank, his children grew, he grew the table with food, the husband arriving with the newspapers and smiling with hunger, the annoying singing of the employees of the building.
LISPECTOR, Clarice. In: Family relationships. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1998. (Fragment).
Question 1 - The above fragment comprises:
a) a news
b) a novel
c) a chronicle
d) an opinion article
Question 2 - The underlined verb was inflected in the past tense more-than-perfect in:
a) “[…] in the curtains that she herself cut the […]”
b) “[…] I reminded him that if wanted […]”
c) “[…] the seeds that he had in hand […]"
d) "grew up your own conversation with the light collector […]"
Question 3 - The verb in the past tense more-than-perfect, identified above, expresses a fact:
a) unfinished
b) completed
c) hypothetical
d) remote
Question 4 – Taking into account the context of the fragment, mark the verb in the past tense more-than-perfect that fits in the box indicated:
a) fertilize
b) spoon
c) plant
d) water
Question 5 - “[…] dry the forehead, looking at the calm horizon […]”. Flex the highlighted verb in the 1st person singular of the past tense more-than-perfect:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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