A water it is the basis for almost everything, especially for daily consumption in everyday tasks. Therefore, it is possible to say easily that it is essential for survival. However, if our population does not save water, this resource will come to an end, perhaps not yet in our generation, but certainly in the next ones. For this reason, we have brought the information below to understand a little of the why save water and how to do it.
Read more: Unmissable Tips to Save Water and Consume Without Waste
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As mentioned in the introduction, fresh water is a finite resource that can be depleted. However, you must be wondering about sea water, as there is a huge amount of it everywhere. For this, desalination is the process that involves removing salt from seawater and filtering it to produce potable water.
However, this process is energy intensive, and the fossil fuels used contribute to global warming. In addition, the toxic brine that pollutes coastal ecosystems is produced. That is, to solve a problem, we would cause and even worsen another one.
So, let's now delve into tips to implement water savings in our daily lives. Despite the large use of water being focused on agribusiness, the responsibility for saving water also belongs to each one of us.
Don't take long in the shower and close the register
This is a real cliché, but it exists because it makes sense. With that, letting the faucet run water while you soap your hands or brush your teeth generates a huge waste of water, as well as extremely time-consuming baths frequently.
Establish a number of times to use the washing machine
In addition to using a lot of energy, the washing machine uses a lot of water. Have you ever counted how many programmed phases a washing machine has? So imagine the amount of water that is used for each of them.
If you used the washing machine, use the water that was dispensed
The hose for dispensing the water used by the machine must be free, so you will be able to catch the water and use it to clean the dog's pee, wash the yard, the car or the balcony. Under no circumstances use a hose for the activities listed above.
Watch out for leaks
It is common for leaks to happen in houses, so it is important to make revisions and pay attention to suspicious elevations in the hydrometer of your residence. In this way, it is possible to investigate and solve the problem.