The Labor Court is famous for protecting workers, but there are cases in which this reputation ends up falling to the ground in the face of weighing up the protection of honor and the limit imposed on the constitutional right that guarantees freedom of expression in its capacity, including on social networks and other types of channels of communication communication.
An example of this is a recent case in which the Labor Court considered that there was exaggeration on the part of the then employees when criticizing the respective employers. In this case, it is possible to observe a situation regarding a former employee who made comments negative comments on LinkedIn about the company he worked for, which made the decision to file a lawsuit against him.
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The judge took into account both the limitation of the former employee's freedom of expression and the impact on the image and reputation of the company in question. Still under understanding of the judge, the former employee could only be venting at the procedural meeting. The spread of criticisms on her social network, which went beyond the limits of freedom of expression, had potential enough to make it difficult to hire new employees and end up spreading a terrible image of the company among current employees. subordinates.
Faced with this situation, the former employee ended up being sentenced to indemnify the company for moral damages in the amount of R$ 6,600.00. Process No. 0011504-30.2020.5.15.0011 is in the appeal phase and is being processed by the Labor Court of Barretos (SP).
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