Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the eighth year of elementary school, about the past tense more-than-perfect. What does this tense indicate in the communicative context? Continuing past events, past completed events, or past past events? Let's learn? To do this, answer the questions based on a fragment of the novel Dried lives, by Graciliano Ramos.
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Fabiano was satisfied. Yes sir, get ready. He had arrived in that state, with his family starving, eating roots. It had fallen in the courtyard, under a jujube, then taken over the deserted house. He, his wife and children had gotten used to the darkened cabin, they looked like rats – and the memory of past sufferings ________________.
Graciliano Ramos. Fragment of “Dry Lives”. 51st ed. São Paulo: Record, 1983.
Question 1 - Identify the passage that contains a verb in the past tense more-than-perfect:
( ) “Fabiano was satisfied.”
( ) “He fell in the courtyard, under a jujube […]”
( ) “He, his wife and children had gotten used to the darkened room […]”.
Question 2 - In “Yes sir, get ready.”, the verb in the past tense more-than-perfect is in the voice:
( ) active.
( ) passive.
( ) reflective.
Question 3 - Point out the subject of the verb in the more-than-perfect past tense “Chegara”:
( ) “Fabiano”.
( ) "Mr".
( ) "the family".
Question 4 – In the segment “[…] later he would take care of the deserted house.”, the underlined term modifies the meaning of the verb in the more-than-perfect past tense, expressing:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 5 - Complete the space with the verb “to fade” in the past tense more-than-perfect:
“[…] and the memory of past sufferings ________________.”
Question 6 – Verbs in the past tense more-than-perfect indicate:
( ) continuous facts in the past.
( ) facts concluded in the past.
( ) facts prior to past events.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.