Currently, the Federal Government works to make the payment of the gas voucher a monthly obligation. Rumors suggest that the value can even be quadrupled. Today the benefit is distributed bimonthly and is equivalent to 50% of the average cost of a 13 kg cylinder. The value that, in June, was R$ 53, in the future may be even higher. Check out this article for more details about the readjustment of the gas voucher.
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In addition to the readjustment in the value of the gas voucher, zeroing the queue for the Brazil Aid is another goal of the Government for this year. These changes may have a greater financial impact on the Proposal for an Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) known as the “PEC dos Auxílios”, which is now being debated in the Senate. The forecast is that expenses will increase from R$ 34.8 billion to R$ 38 billion.
The monthly and full payment of the gas voucher is highlighted among the changes in the final text of the proposal. If approved by the Senate, the value of the benefit will quadruple from the current R$53 every two months to something around R$120 every 30 days. The measure will be in effect until December 2022.
Another change that is being discussed is the inclusion of a mechanism in the Aid PEC that can clear the Brazil Aid queue. This possibility had already been mentioned by the author of the proposal report last week, but it only concerned an increase from R$400 to R$600. If that happens, more than a million new families will be able to enroll in the social program.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the government is also concerned about trying to release the payment of the R$ 1,000 benefit for self-employed truck drivers. This new measure is being known as the “Pix Trucker”.