It's time for workers to celebrate. According to reliable sources, there is less than a month left before the start of the PIS/Pasep payment schedule for the year 2021. The values will vary according to the months worked by the citizen in the year in question. It is worth noting that PIS is paid to workers with a formal contract in the private sector. Check the PIS/Pased payment table below.
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First, let's understand what PIS/Pasep is. These are social contributions of a nature tributary, owed by legal entities, with the aim of financing the payment of unemployment insurance, bonuses, and participation in the revenue of public and private workers' bodies and entities.
The amount that each worker will receive from PIS/Pasep will depend on the months worked in the base year, see below for more details:
Regarding the payment date, it will depend on the month of your birthday. However, already know that the loot will be available to everyone until December 28th. Check the PIS 2023 payment date below:
Calendar for payment of Pasep 2023 according to the public servants, which have a different timeline: