Text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth year of elementary school, with questions developed about the text: Josés, Marias and manias.
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Dona Maria was full of manias. The neighbors called her Dona Maria. She had a habit of naming all her daughters after Maria: Maria José, Maria Beatriz, Maria Antônia...
The children were all José: José Maria, José Renato, José Antônio… Mrs. Maria had a mania for cleaning: I lived scrubbing the house, scrubbing the furniture, scrubbing the children's faces… And a mania for perfection… Ah! I remembered that I forgot something important. Have I told you that Dona Maria was… a marreca? So it is! This is the story of Dona Maria Marreco's family. Mr. José Marreco's wife. Dona Maria had the habit of wanting all the Marias and all the Josés to be the same way: polite, clean, responsible, obedient, quiet, intelligent and organized.
Alina perlman
Publisher Scipione, São Pclass
1) What is the title of the text?
2) What were Dona Marreca's quirks?
3) Who left Marreca with feathers standing?
4) What did Maria Isabel and José Feliciano do when putting their sleeves out?
5) In her opinion, was it good for Dona Marreca's children to change their way of being? Because?
6) The mother Marreca started to have a new craze. The one of dialoguing. And you, with whom do you most dialogue? Because?
Per Camila Farias.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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