Entries are now open for Vestibular 2023 held by the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp). In all, the institution offers more than 25,000 vacancies, destined for 419 poles, in 366 municipalities (capital, interior and coast). For the city of São Paulo alone, there are 4,680 vacancies in 52 poles present in the unified educational centers.
Vacancies are distributed in nine courses, among them: Letters, Mathematics and Pedagogy, Production Engineering and Technology in Management Processes, Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Administration and Science Data. Entries can be made until March 30 on the website.
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The selection test (objective and writing) will be held on May 28, at 1 pm, in person in cities that encompass different regions of the State of São Paulo. The full list of exam locations will also be available at:
The courses are offered in a blended system and carried out in a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), free of charge. On the online platform, it is possible for students to participate in academic activities that include watch video classes and ask questions about the content, in addition to accessing teaching materials and libraries fingerprints.
In the face-to-face form, classes are offered at the centers. On site, it is possible to request academic secretary services and clarification of doubts. In addition, the physical spaces can be used by students who have the entire structure, with computers, printers and internet access. All video lessons can also be accessed via the YouTube channel.
The courses are divided into axes, in which students will undergo basic training and then be able to choose one of the qualifications to follow.
When registering, the candidate must choose one of the three basic axes (degree; computation; and business and production). After the first year of the course, the student indicates one of the three qualifications of his/her axis. Those entering the Degrees, for example, will attend a year of the basic cycle, with the option of qualifying from the second year on in Literature, Mathematics or Pedagogy (all lasting four years).
According to Univesp, the model guarantees the student more flexibility in choosing, in addition to having integration with graduates from other qualifications, which contributes to their training.
To participate in the vestibular, the candidate must have completed high school or finish it by the period provided for registration. Entries must be made through the selection process website by March 30, with payment of a fee of R$ 51.75. People enrolled in the Single Registry of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) will be exempt from the fee.
To clear all doubts about the entrance exam, the candidate can access the “Fale Conosco” of the Vunesp website, the bank responsible for the entrance exam: clicking here, and forward your message, or contact the “Dial Vunesp”, by calling (11) 3874-6300, on weekdays, from 8 am to 6 pm.
More information about the entrance exam can be accessed on the Unives website