A father narcissistic is someone who, in general, can be considered possessive and tends to be quite competitive with his own children. Normally, these individuals perceive the independence of the other, and, more specifically, in this case, of the child, as a threat, starting to coerce it, so that it exists only in the shadows of those responsible for its creation.
In these cases, children are rarely loved, which can cause a series of traumas in adult life. So check below signs of narcissistic behavior and be aware.
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Many narcissistic parents have a falsely inflated self-image, which is often accompanied by a self-centered perspective on themselves. It is even common to treat the individuals around them only as objects or tools for personal use.
In these cases, some of your children may be passed over, while others are taught to express that same superiority complex, something like “we are better than others”.
Narcissistic parents assign their children the obligation to assume the role of caregiver for the rest of their lives. This type of dependency can be emotional, physical and even financial.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with taking care of your elders, but when it comes to self-absorbed parents, this can be done in exchange for a lot of emotional wear, irrational sacrifice and a lot of manipulation. The needs of the offspring are not taken into account.
As there is this expectation that children will spend the rest of their lives under the influence of their parents, they can become extremely jealous and reactive in response to any sign of maturity from the child.
Thus, when any indication is perceived that the offspring starts to recognize itself as an individual with the right to its own choices, such parents are taken by a feeling of ownership usually followed by a reaction against such movement.
In general, the emergence of a romantic partner in these children's lives is what causes the most conflict, and they may respond to the presence of these people with a lot of rejection or competition.
In the case of parents, narcissism is accompanied by an inability to be attentive to the feelings of others, especially those of the child. Thus, it is common for them to believe that only what the father or mother thinks and feels is really important.