The Social Security and Family Committee of the House of Representatives recently approved a bill that will require the payment of accident insurance benefits from individual taxpayers. Currently, the benefit is guaranteed to employees, including workers domestic workers and specially qualified workers in vulnerable situations. If you want to know more about the approval of the bill that guarantees the extension of accident assistance to individual taxpayers, just continue reading this article.
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Deputy Carlos Bezerra (PMDB-MT) presented the project in May 2015. Bezerra claimed in the justification for the project that “even contributing to the General Social Security System, members of work cooperatives are not entitled to accident assistance”. According to him, the situation constitutes “discrimination and is unjustified in relation to the Insurance Provided by the Employer, Single Worker and Specialized RGPS Insurance”.
The proposed law provides for the expansion of the distribution of benefits also for the group of individual taxpayers, to put an end to what Bezerra called discrimination. The proposed law amends both the Organic Social Security Law and the Social Security Benefits Law, therefore the text has been modified to reflect recent changes in the law.
The accident allowance is an indemnifying social security benefit, as it is the payment of 50% of the contribution salary that gave rise to the sickness allowance. It is important to emphasize that the benefit cannot be accrued through retirement, rather it can be accrued through the insured person's normal earnings. The amount in question is paid to the worker from the day following the end of the invalidity.
According to the proposal, funds for the grant will be provided through an additional rate of 0.5% on the contribution salary. Currently, the individual taxpayer contributes 20% to the RGPS. The text will still undergo the analysis of two more committees.