The price of gasoline has been rising more and more lately, and the consumer can't wait to fill up with the old prices. But, dashing people's hopes, vice-president Hamilton Mourão stated when he arrived at the Palácio do Planalto that the price of gasoline will no longer go down to R$ 4, but that it could reach R$ 6 a day.
“The market is beginning to rebalance. It hit US$ 139, it's already at US$ 99, US$ 98. This fluctuation is obvious, I believe that Petrobras will fit this in there and there will be a reduction, ”he said.
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“One reality we have to understand: the price of fuel, as a result of the energy transition that we have to live through, will not return to the levels we would like. We will no longer, in my view, pay R$ 4 per liter of gasoline. It will be difficult for that to happen”, explained Mourão.
The vice president added: “The price of gasoline can change. You can go down there, go back to half a dozen, right? But let’s remember that two, three years ago we were paying R$4.50, R$4.60”
He also justified the high prices with the advance of the war in Ukraine, as the countries involved are major exporters of important inputs for gasoline in Brazil.
“This oil price issue is very hysteria. Because there was a, let's say, violent variation in the price of oil, the result, first, of the issue of pandemic, the return of economic activity, and, later, this absurd conflict there in Russia, in Ukraine”, highlighted.
On Tuesday (15), President Jair Bolsonaro criticized Petrobras for the increase in fuel prices, and told it to follow the fall in international prices.
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