The National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) made public the implementation of the Simplified Selection Process to fill vacancies and form a reserve register for a paid internship at the agency.
Internships for middle and higher level students will take place at Funai units throughout the country and have with the objective of providing the complementation of the teaching and learning of students linked to public institutions and private.
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To participate in the selection process, interested students must meet the following requirements:
Applications will be made between November 26, 2018 and January 4, 2019, free of charge and exclusively on the Super Estágios website, at www.superestagios.com.br. After enrolling, the candidate will be able to immediately start the online selection test.
The final result will be announced on the Super Estágios website on January 11, 2019. Those selected will receive a grant ranging from R$ 203 to R$ 520. Further information and the complete notice can be accessed at National Press website.