In the days we are living, it is almost impossible not to encounter toxic people in everyday life.
And as if having to put up with this type of people on the street or at work wasn't enough, often the people who are toxic are family members and friends, with whom the relationship is closer.
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However, even when dealing with close people, it is recommended to be careful with the “toxicity” of these individuals.
In the following topics, we list eight characteristics of toxic people. Read on to find out how to spot this bad behavior in friends, family, and people close to you!
In general, we want our friends to always be honest with us. However, there is a substantial discrepancy between constructive criticism and cruelty itself.
Do you have a friend who frequently makes comments that seem hurtful to you?
Does this person constantly find fault with all his actions?
In that case, we regret to inform you that such an individual may not be a true friend and is most certainly someone of a toxic nature.
When someone genuinely cares about your well-being, that person will find ways to give you feedback without causing you harm.
True friends will always tell you the truth with empathy, as their intention is to help you grow as a person, not the other way around.
Do you have a friend who constantly seeks to take advantage of every situation? If so, this could be a sign that you are involved in a toxic friendship.
Another characteristic of these people is the fact that they talk excessively and never really listen to you, disregarding your opinions and feelings. Also, they get irritated when things don't go their way.
In these cases, it seems that they have no genuine interest in knowing how you are doing, creating a dynamic of monologues, where only one person speaks, instead of a healthy dialogue.
To make matters worse, they can make you feel guilty if you don't agree to let them handle things.
On the other hand, every toxic friend is extremely self-centered and is always bragging about their supposed “great” accomplishments.
All of this becomes evident in conversations, where they constantly redirect the focus to themselves.
One of the main characteristics of people with whom it is worth keeping a good relationship is the humility to accept one's mistakes.
These people don't hesitate to lower their heads and admit publicly that they are wrong when this is necessary. And better, they always seek to fix what they broke.
On the other hand, toxic people live blaming others for the silliness they do, never assuming their mistakes.
For them, their opinions are always correct and their decisions are flawless. The problem is always elsewhere.
Run away from these kind of people!
In healthy friendships, it's normal for there to be false insults, silly jokes and other ways of "affectionately offending" the friend. This is perfectly normal.
However, if you live with a person who treats you badly for free, making it clear that it is not a joke, turn on the alert, because this individual is not a friend.
Another indication of toxicity arising from “friends” is the disrespect for imposed limits associated with the practice of attitudes that aim to make the other feel uncomfortable.
Real friends do not humiliate, embarrass, insult or disrespect others, either in public or in private. Stay tuned!
True friendships are based on reciprocity. Therefore, if you find yourself giving more than you are receiving from a friend or family member, you are facing a sign of toxicity and a one-sided relationship.
Usually, this type of “friend” expects you to do everything for him, but rarely returns the gesture.
Or, they only contact you or seek your help when they have a problem, but they are rarely available when you need them.
You know those people who constantly criticize the achievements of others? Well, if you have a friend who adopts this behavior towards you, it is recommended that you try to stay away from him.
Take a closer look at whether this so-called “friend” is excited when something positive happens in your life.
For example, imagine that you are in a healthy relationship with your partner, but a disagreement occurs. Does this friend use the situation as an opportunity to undermine your relationship?
If this person does not pass similar tests, it is possible that you are involved in a toxic friendship. After all, a true friend will share all your emotions.
True soulmates may not be there for all of your best moments, but they will always find a way to honor you.
Similarly, they will not turn away from you when circumstances become challenging.
Since we were children, we got used to little friends who show pleasure in presenting a prettier outfit, a better toy or a cooler haircut than ours.
However, when this childish and purposeless behavior persists in friendships into adulthood, the warning bell needs to be turned on.
True friends aren't worried about what you have or don't have, just how you are.
On the other hand, toxic “friends” always think they should get over you, even incurring in gossip about your life.
And, by the way, gossiping or “talking behind your back” is a clear sign that a certain person is not really your friend.
Therefore, if you feel this competitive atmosphere in someone close to you or you found out that he has been badmouthing you around, cut off relations urgently.
To close our article, we must inform you that toxic friends have a strong tendency to manipulation, in addition to having a strong negative energy.
This happens because these people think they are better at everything and always want to be in control of the environments around them. Furthermore, they are envious, rude and false, as we have mentioned before.
All this creates a feeling of heaviness and stress when these individuals are around, which helps to identify them.
Once again, we reiterate: if you have noticed this and other signs in the behavior of “friends”, cut ties. Prioritize your mental health!