Brazilian citizens who carried out paid work with a formal contract may have amounts forgotten in the PIS/Pasep. Withdrawals of the benefit for the base year 2020 have already been released by Caixa Econômica Federal and by Bank of Brazil. The total amount waiting for this audience is R$ 428.4 million. So if you want to know if you are fit for receive PIS/Pasep, just continue reading this article.
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The amount paid to workers changes according to the number of months worked in the year in question. In this sense, the value varies from BRL 101 (minimum) to BRL 1,212 (maximum). Although according to the official schedule, the transfer of money ended at the end of March, withdrawals can be made until November 29, 2022.
According to a survey by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, there are currently 400,000 people who have not yet withdrawn the money. The numbers are valid both for public servants who must obtain Pasep at Banco do Brasil and for employees of private companies who must receive PIS at Caixa Econômica Federal.
One of the main reasons why so many people still haven't withdrawn the value of the PIS/Pasep is because they don't know that they are within the criteria to receive the benefit. Therefore, check below the requirements that make a person able to earn the money for the base year 2020.
If you are within all these criteria, know that you can receive the value of PIS / Pasep. However, to remove all doubts, the citizen can call the number 158 or access the Digital Work Card application.