It's no use! If you exercise but don't take care of your diet, the results may not be what you want. What we eat directly reflects on our body and one of the most hated and worrying consequences is the accumulation of fat in the belly.
It is known that genetics and physical inactivity have a direct impact on adipose tissue which is in this region. However, there are a range of foods that can give a little push in this process.
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In this article, we separate eight foods that can make your abdominal fat (both subcutaneous and visceral) increase considerably. Also, they can potentially be inflammatory to your body. Therefore, it is better to be careful with them in your diet.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't eliminate them from your life and never eat them again. Just that you should pay attention and not eat in large quantities and several days a week.
1. Candy
You know those bakery delights? Cakes, croissants, pies… All these pastries and baked goods have a lot of sugar and a lot of calories. This can considerably increase your belly fat. An interesting option is to make your own greengrocers at home, to have greater control over the ingredients, especially the sugar and fat in the recipes.
2. White bread
White bread is delicious, but some options we see in the supermarket have a lot of sugar and little fiber. This, in addition to everything already said about the abdominal fat, will sabotage your satiety, causing you to eat more than you should.
3. Cereals
Cereals are very practical, especially for breakfast. But they are a sugar bomb. And, the worst: some options available on the market do not have a single gram of fiber. Watch out for them!
4. Refrigerator
We can call soda “liquid sugar”. Take a good look: a can of the drink contains approximately 40 grams of extra sugar. This amount alone already exceeds the recommended daily amount of this carbohydrate.
5. Drinks
In drinks and cocktails, we have two villains: sugar and alcohol. The problem of the former has already been discussed at length in this article. The second is the fact that alcoholic beverages have empty calories, that is, they do not add anything – they only increase the amount of fat accumulated in your belly.
6. Microwave popcorn
Popcorn (popcorn, the most common of all) has one good thing: fiber. This is an inclusive snack recommended in many weight loss diets. However, the microwaved version contains a lot of sodium and a lot of fat, which is not good for your body.
7. “Nutritious” bars
That they don't have anything nutritious, right? Many people swap a meal for one of these supposedly nutritious bars. However, they have more sugar and flour than anything else, especially those with a lot of chocolate.
8. Chips
Here's a little bit of everything: sugar, salt, sodium, fat and lots of empty calories. This is a nasty concoction for your body and a belly fat booster.
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.