Beneficiaries of emergency aid in 2020 who earned more than BRL 22,847.76, due to some activity that generated income in that year, will need to present the 2021 Individual Income Tax Adjustment Declaration (IRPF) and will have to return the amounts related to the installments of R$600 and BRL 1200.
Meanwhile, people who benefited in 2021 and at some point got a job will not have to return the values to the Union.
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This happens, as Law 13.982/2020, which deals with the benefit granted in the first year of the pandemic, provided for its return through the annual adjustment, since the Provisional Measure 1,039/2021, which dealt with emergency aid 2021, did not establish anything in this context, according to Jordão Novas, a lawyer tax specialist.
The Ministry of Citizenship said that “if the citizen has obtained a formal job after receiving the 2021 emergency aid installments, he will not have to return the resources”.
It is important to note that the residual emergency benefit, paid in 4 installments at the end of 2020, will also not have to be returned. This extra benefit was provided for by Provisional Measure 1,000/2020, which did not contain a provision for reimbursement.
People enrolled in the CadÚnico, who did not have an active formal job or received provisions for social security, assistance, labor or federal income transfer program were within the criteria to be benefited by the aid in the year past.
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