If someone has ever told you that your behavior is being intimidating when, from your point of view, everything seems fine, know that you are not the only one who goes through this type of situation. Intimidation is a matter of perception. Seeing yourself through other people's eyes is an almost impossible task, but it's worth a try.
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We separate the main signs that people give when they feel intimidated, so that you can understand them and try to better the climate of a situation like this. If someone next to you gives these signs, it's time to change.
Check out the top nine signs below that someone is feeling intimidated when you're around.
Avoid eye contact
Insecure people avoid making eye contact with those who intimidate them and, as a result, end up looking anywhere but at the person in question while talking.
There is no conversation, there is a monologue
They let you do all the talking and don't express an opinion or position on anything.
Speak in a low voice
Anyone who feels intimidated by you will always speak to you in a low and smooth way to let your voice be the highest and to avoid upsetting you for any reason.
they are always nice
They will never contradict you! They will always say “yes” to you in an exacerbated way.
There is a distance between you
Who likes to be close to those who are afraid, right? People who are intimidated by you will always try to stay away when possible.
Show no interest in your life
If you feel that they don't want to know about your “fabulous” life, know that you intimidate them! It could be jealousy envy or simply lack of interest, but disinterest is a strong sign that there is intimidation in your relationship.
They live restless and nervous when they are by your side
It's impossible not to be nervous when you're around someone you fear, isn't it? So restlessness and nervousness are indications that there is discomfort with your presence.
They always apologize too much
As they try not to upset you, it is possible that the moment they act “inadequately” around you, they will begin to apologize in an intense way.
They understand and assume you are against them or taking part in their lives.
There may be a paranoia that you are after them and always want to be part of their lives. This is a common reaction from people who feel very intimidated. When too exaggerated, it is necessary to seek help.