Without a doubt, nobody likes to lose anything, as losing something can cause extreme discomfort. However, worse than losing an item is when we lose documents, such as General Registration, bank cards or CPF, as some personal information is vulnerable and may end up causing us a tremendous headache.
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When losing such a document, some malicious person can use them to make purchases on the holder's name, requesting loans, among a multitude of problematic issues for any subject. However, should such an incident ever occur, Serasa published in the “Sempre Alerta” series some strategies to be adopted in case of loss of a document.
In this sense, in the topic “Have your documents been lost?”, the main decisions we must take to prevent documents from being lost are presented. such as National Driver's License (CNH), Voter's Title, Passport and Birth Certificate cannot serve as a tool to scammers.
From this perspective, it is essential that you file a police report soon after losing any document. Thus, if your data is misused, you can prove that you did not have the document in that particular period. You also need to block cards in case you lose one. That way, the criminal will not be able to use it in any way in any establishment.
Finally, after having carried out these procedures, you only need to request the issuance of a duplicate of your document. Thus, if the one that is lost continues to circulate, with the duplicate issued, it will no longer have functionality.
Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.