Myopia is an eye problem that causes a person to have trouble seeing distant objects clearly. A study by the All India Institute Of Medical Science (AIIMS) revealed that more than 13% of children developed myopia and that the number has doubled in the last decade due to the excessive use of electronic devices.
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In today's matter, we will bring the main signs of myopia that your child may be manifesting today.
Pay attention to these signs to identify myopia in your children.
Although myopia can appear in many young people, it progresses with advancing age into adolescence. It usually stabilizes in the early 20s, when the eye stops growing. It should be noted that children have difficulty identifying and explaining whether there is a problem with their eyes. That's why, as parents, it's very important to be aware of these signs to be able to identify these vision problems as soon as possible.
1. rubbing eyes
The act of rubbing the eyes is linked to an automatic response of tension and eyestrain. Rubbing them can be an early sign of myopia developing. Parents should pay attention to whether there is a frequency in this act, as it can be a great indication that the child is itchy, uncomfortable or difficult to see well.
2. Squinting to read
If those responsible notice that the young person is squinting to read or to see distant objects, it is I need to see a doctor, as this can be a great indication of myopia or the beginning of this problem eye. Squinting is a tactic of ours to try to overcome the symptoms of blurred vision.
3. cross-eyed
If the problem is more acute in one eye than the other, it is normal for strabismus to occur in the most affected eye. This can make the person cross-eyed. It is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist urgently.
4. Excess eye watering
Myopia generates discomfort, leaving the eyes watery on a constant basis. Parents can notice this in their children if the child's eye is frequently red or watery from time to time.
If not inherited, it is possible to delay and prevent progression. There are ways to help children. Look:
“They should make sure their kids get an eye exam sooner, especially if they have a family history of nearsightedness or other eye conditions. If they notice their kids squinting or they have trouble with details about things more than a few meters apart at school or while watching TV at a standard distance, it might be time for an exam ophthalmological. Other than that, parents should also encourage children to spend time outdoors, provide them with a healthy diet and reduce screen time, especially before bed," said Dr. Kankariya.