You certainly know that person who always has a trick to get what he wants. But this trick is not always a positive aspect, after all, it often appears in the form of a lie. As it is not always possible to know who the less upright people are, let's count on the help of astrology to find out which are the signs more dishonests of the zodiac.
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Building a person's character begins in childhood. However, even children who are born into super-honest homes can still lack integrity in adulthood. And this can be explained by astrology. Check out the list of the 6 most dishonest signs of the zodiac.
6th – Sagittarius
In this list, Sagittarius people occupy the last place when talking about the most dishonest signs of the zodiac. This is because they are people who act on impulse and can often be dishonest without realizing it.
5th – Capricorn
Capricorns are stubborn and work all the time in search of what is best for them. And they don't feel the slightest bit of remorse when adopting dishonest postures to achieve their long-term goals.
4th – Lion
Yet another fire sign on the list of the most dishonest of the zodiac. And, for Leos, the lack of honesty appears when someone tries to steal the spotlight in their place. Therefore, they go to great lengths to remove a person from the stage, even if it compromises their integrity.
3rd – Pound
Did you expect one of the most charismatic signs of the zodiac to also be one of the most dishonest? It is precisely his most charming personality that makes manipulation an easy task. And several times he can be dishonest without you noticing.
2nd – Aries
Thirsty to achieve their goals, Aries have no problem pushing people away if they feel like they're getting in the way of their plans. Determination is what moves Aries, so they always find a way to do something better than others.
And for that reason, they can be dishonest and malicious, all to get what they want.
1st – Scorpio
With their incredible observation skills, Scorpios are able to analyze what people's triggers are to use in order to achieve their own benefits.
Because they are reserved people, Scorpio people trust others less and are slow to open up to others. Your obsessive personality makes these people sneaky, to the point of plotting against you at any moment.