Apathy is not a illness, but a set of factors that must be very carefully observed. It is formed by a set of behavioral signs that originate from some specific condition. This can be a psychic trauma or a physical illness, depending on each case.
It is generally characterized by a lack of motivation, social disinterest, isolation and indifference. To know more about apathy in children, check out the full article!
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Although “strange”, for many adults, it is common for people to experience moments of apathy. There is nothing wrong with that when it is momentary. It can appear at any age, however, in this case, the analyzed clipping will be in children. In the case of those younger than 5 years old, it is possible to identify other symptoms linked to apathy. These are: irritation, crying for no apparent reason, sadness, as well as difficulty showing affection.
As for children a little older, up to 12 years old, the symptoms can be a little more incisive, such as isolation, discouragement and sadness. It is also possible to observe a lack of interest in communicating with the family, and even in making friends. It is necessary to be aware that there is no rule in the manifestation of apathy. Therefore, each case is different, and the symptoms may differ or be very similar. In view of this, a psychological assessment is essential.
In cases of more shy or inhibited people, the individual has a response to the world, but it only occurs in a more contained way. Therefore, it differs from apathy, which is precisely the child receiving stimuli, but not responding to any of them.
Apathy can also be confused with refusal, that is, the well-known “against children” – those who do not want to do something, or do not respond to stimuli when they are opposing. However, in this case, there is the disposition of energy to be against, which also qualifies as the opposite of what apathy is.
Apathy can mask a variety of problems. The lesson for parents is: don't ignore prolonged apathy in your child. It could mean that something serious is going on that deserves your attention.