brain teasers are a more complicated version of the puzzle, as they are brain games solved with lateral thinking – they are characterized by a different point of view than the normal line. This makes players think outside the box, improving the reasoning and working the mind well. In today's article, we are going to provide an example of a brain teaser so that you can learn a little about this new method.
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Brain teasers sharpen the thinking process, being an exercise for the mind, helping to develop patience, concentration and memory. Such puzzles seek to accelerate and expand the functioning of the brain circuit.
A very common example of Brain Teaser is the Picture Puzzle. To arrive at the solution to this type of brain riddle, you need to analyze the problem and think outside the box – using your creativity, as the answer will not be right in front of you.
Now, we are going to provide an example of this type of quiz and teach you how to solve it in a practical way. In this brain teaser, you have to identify the Odd One Out among the ships in the image, that is, the figure that differs from the others.
To solve the riddle, it is necessary for you to look at the picture very carefully – looking at it detail by detail.
And there? Did you find? If not, let's give you a tip: look at the stripes on the ships' sails. And now, did you manage to spot the Odd One Out among the figures?
In this brain teaser, you have to discover that ship that is different from others. So the answer is in the fourth row and the ninth column. This ship has a sail with stripes on the left side, while all the others only have sails with stripes on the right side.
This type of riddle doesn't require math skills or lateral thinking. Picture Puzzle only tests your observation and concentration skills.