The Rio Operations Center (COR), through the Rio Alert System, informs that in less than 24 hours, 70% of the rain expected for the entire month of February rained in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The registration information was based on the 33 stations of the Alerta Rio System. In terms of comparison, in the month of February, an average of 120.4 millimeters were recorded throughout the city, between the years 1997 and 2022. Last Tuesday, the 7th, in five hours, it rained 81.2 mm, equivalent to 70% of the expected rainfall for the entire month. Keep reading and learn more about the impact of rains in Rio de Janeiro this month.
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Still according to data analyzed between 1997 and 2022, the pluviometers installed in the neighborhoods of Méier, São Cristóvão, Penha, Saúde and Laranjeiras registered rain above the expected average for the respective seasons in the whole month.
The first neighborhood had 48.9% above the expected average, which is 105.7 mm. In the second, it rained 33.8% above, with 135 mm against 100.9 mm. It rained 20.2% more than expected for the month in the Penha neighborhood, which means that there was 122.8 mm while the average is 102.2 mm.
In Saúde, the rain gauge rained 18.5% above the average forecast for the month, with 123.4 mm recorded, when the average for the season is 104.1 mm. In Laranjeiras it rained 3.5% above average. There were 108.8 mm recorded against 105.1 mm.
It is worth noting that the Rio Operations Center (COR) reported that the municipality of Rio had been in an Alert Stage since 8 pm on Tuesday, 7. At 0:30 am on Wednesday, the 8th, he returned to the Care Internship. However, an hour later it proceeded to the Mobilization Stage.
The Mobilization Stage is the second level on a scale of five and means there are risks of high impact events in the city. That is, there is the possibility of a new stage change due to rain and/or other factors.
According to the Rio Alert System, for the next few days, there is a forecast of light to moderate rain, at points isolated, at any time of the day, and may come in the form of isolated and rapid rain showers during the afternoon. Winds will be light to moderate (up to 51.9 km/h) and temperatures will remain stable with a minimum of 20 °C and a maximum of 32 °C. The city continued in the Normality Stage on Thursday morning.
Storm impacts
After the rains, 39 vehicles parked on the streets were removed by Public Order agents and taken to safe locations, with the aim of smoothing traffic. Many potholes and craters have opened up in the city streets, causing vehicles to stall or fall into these potholes.
Another car, with two people, was removed from a crater on Rua Aires Saldanha, in the Copacabana neighborhood. The Rio+Seguro team tied the vehicle to that of the crew and pulled it out, avoiding a major accident.
According to the latest statement from COR, published this Thursday morning, the 9th, Rio de Janeiro City Hall teams are still working on five incidents related to the latest rains.
There is still a tree falling on Estrada da Boiúna, in Taquara; two landslides, one on Rua Pedro Américo, in Catete; and another on Rua Santa Luzia, in the Centre; and two trees fall onto wiring: one on Rua Carlos Vasconcellos, in Tijuca; and another on Rua Professor Aberlado Lobo, in Jardim Botânico.
In total, 126 points with pockets of water and 20 with flooding were recorded. All have already been disposed of.