The Auxílio Brasil program was developed for substitutive purposes, that is, to take the place of Bolsa Família. Currently, it is possible to manage it through the application, where the beneficiary can consult the registration status, available balance, payment schedule and other information. To access this resource, all you need to do is enter your Caixa Tem credentials or your old Bolsa Família password.
Read too: Check out how to solve it if the Brazil Aid is suspended in Caixa Tem
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However, who can be part of this program and how to check if it has been accepted or not? From now on, we will answer these questions. If you are interested in the subject, just continue reading this article.
This benefit is specific for families that are in a situation of poverty, which receive only R$ 100.00 to R$ 200.00 per family member, and families in extreme poverty, whose income is up to R$ 105.00 per person. Everything will be based on the number of individuals that make up the family group, socioeconomic status and other requirements.
Those who are selected will receive R$ 400 monthly until the end of the year. However, families will only be entitled to this resource if they have pregnant women, nursing mothers, children or young people up to 20 years old.
If, by any chance, you meet the requested requirements, it is necessary to go to the CRAS of your municipality and record the information in the Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadUnique). For this, you must have the following documents at hand:
Ready! I submitted my application, but now how can I check if I was accepted?
1. Single Registration Status
First, you need to download the Auxílio Brasil app. Afterwards, select the option “Consult”. Put your CPF and password, and soon after, just check if you were accepted or not.
2. Available value
Within the application, you can check the available balance. So, just go to “Consult”, and log in, inserting CPF and password. Finally, go to “Benefit” and select the “View installments” option.
3. installment schedule
Another method available to check if you have been accepted is to check the installment payment schedule. The estimated date for the payment to occur is found at the end of the Social Identification Number (NIS). To find it, just check the home screen, select “Payment Calendar” and then enter your NIS. Once this is done, a table consisting of the monthly withdrawal date will soon appear.
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