O Individual microentrepreneur (MEI) it is done through a registration that guarantees this worker some security for those who work autonomously in the market.
Read more: Being MEI, do you know what your rights are? Meet now!
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With more than 11 million registered on this service, the trend is for this number to grow more and more, as the pandemic has damaged the source of income of several people. In this way, self-employment becomes the way out for many families to regain a balance in their monthly income. If you want to know what are the benefits of being MEI, so keep reading!
Retirement turns out to be one of the things that workers who have MEI are very concerned about. In this case, the micro-entrepreneur cannot retire for the time of contribution of work. The only foreseen exception is in case the person has to complete the contribution with 15% of the amount deposited monthly.
It is possible to receive aid from the moment the MEI presents proof of illness that makes him/her unable to work for a certain period of time.
In addition, it is also possible to receive reclusion aid and maternity salary for postpartum women.
Another benefit foreseen for MEIs is the option to open a National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ) without charging fees for this. In this way, the micro-entrepreneur can open a bank account using the company name.
MEI does not have to worry about paying some federal taxes such as PIS, Cofins, IPI, CSLL and Income Tax.
Another guarantee is that the MEI can issue an invoice. In this way, the self-employed when providing a service can issue an invoice proving that the work was carried out for a certain amount.